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Urnex CleanCup KCup Cleaning Solution

Urnex CleanCup Kcup Cleaning Solution

Urnex CleanCup K-Cup Cleaning Solution

The Urnex CleanCup kcup cleaning solution is the best way to keep your office Keurig brewer free of harmful bacteria. Think about it, your office Keurig brewer makes a ton of gourmet coffee and tea. Keurig brewers are a leading choice among offices across the United States, because they are so simple to use and offer a wide beverage selection. Keurig brewers are so efficient that it is easy for office staff and management to forget this incredible single serve brewer still needs some maintenance.

Even though you may feel like your office Keurig is clean enough, you may want to think twice before skipping your next cleaning cycle. Recent studies show that single serve brewers show trace evidence of harmful bacteria, such as E.coli, staphylococcus, streptococcus and pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Your Keurig brewer may seem to be performing like a dream come true, but your beverage quality suffers every time you skip routine cleaning maintenance. In fact, many people can no longer tell that their favorite gourmet beverage is slowly losing its luster because of a dirty machine, until they try brewing their favorite beverage after they have cleaned their office Keurig.

The good news is cleaning your office Keurig brewer does not have to be a time-consuming process, thanks to the Urnex CleanCup kcup cleaning solution. The Urnex CleanCup is easy to use; just brew two cycles with the Urnex CleanCup and then once more after removing the Urnex CleanCup. Keurig makes cleaning your office coffee brewer easy, so you can get back to work!