With a complete line of eco-friendly break room supplies, sustainable office products and fair-trade coffee, US Coffee makes it easy for your company to go green.
As a local, family-owned business, US Coffee is praised for our eco-friendly practices and corporate social responsibility. We’re dedicated to working with you across your facility to become more environmentally conscious and sustainable. We have a complete line of eco-friendly break room products, green office supplies and fair-trade coffee from local third wave coffee roasters. We are investing our resources in green research to help you and your business make environmentally responsible choices.

Every day, office break rooms produce enough waste to circle the equator.
Locally sourced coffee doesn’t just taste better. It benefits the community.
US Coffee is proud to offer gourmet coffee that is prepared by local roasters known for their fair-trade practices and ethical standards. When you order artisan coffee with our service, your coffee is roasted, bagged and delivered within 24-48 hours. We carry the leading third wave brands including Intelligentsia, Counter Culture, Irving Farm, MUD, Wandering Bear and City of Saints. Here at US Coffee, we believe in delivering our customers the freshest quality of coffee on the market.
Commercial buildings account for 36% of all electricity consumption in the United States, and cost more than $190 billion in energy every year.
Become more socially responsible by supporting The One Cup Coffee Project.
We invite you to take advantage of our new Corporate Social Responsibility Program with One Cup Coffee, where 100% of the revenue turns into charitable impact for Social Good projects in the world’s toughest places. Not 5% or 10% but 100% – “Dollar for Dollar”. One Cup Coffee doesn’t simply stop at making large charitable donations. They have a world-class content team that will regularly provide you with high-quality impact story content for you to share with your employees and customers.